Friday, September 10, 2010

Millitary gay ban

The federal judge Virginia Phillips decided the millitarys "don't ask don't tell" program on gays and lesbians was unconstintustional. This broke gay's and lesbian's first admentment right and it needs to be changed. The judge is going to make the change happen soon. Right now the millitary can not ask sexuality but if you are found to be gay you will be discharged. But once the judge puts this into effect they cannot be discharged for being gay.
This is a really weird subkect i think. In a way what they were doing perviously was the right thing. But yet it was completly wrong. People should have their own rights if the want to fool around with another person so be it. But then again god made us to be with the opposite sex.
The way they had the army set up i think was really good. instead of changing the "don't ask don't tell" to openly being able to be gay i think it should stay "don't ask don't tell" but if someone finds out not have to discharge them. This would make it so we wouldnt need to know if they were gay but they would still be able to be in the army. This would be a win win.


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