Monday, October 25, 2010

13 Drug Rehab Patients Gunned Down....

Tijuana Mexico's drug rehab center was attacked last monday. a CLIENT SAYS TAHT A GANG CAME INTO THE FACILITY AND GUNNED DOWN 13 recovering addicts. The wittness goes by the name jesus and said he was watching a movie and went to get something to eat and the attack happerned.
These kinds of attacks should not be occuring. Expecially to people who are trying to recover from a drug addiction. They want to get out of a bad lifestyle and instead they get killed for wanting to get out. They should be put under tighter security and should have their saftey number 1 concern.

Home Sales Jump Ten Percent!!!!!

In washington sales of pre occupied homes jumped by ten percent in one month witch is the highest jump in one month in the last twenty eight years. This is a good sign that the market is stabilizing and housing prices are going to go back up. In august the sales pace was on a 4.2 milion unit pace and now it is on a 4.53 million pace.
This is really good news that the housing market is finaly coming out of its slum. The market has been down for so long now that no one knows now what their property is actually worth. This will be good for the people that are trying to sell their homes because lately they have benn having to sit on them for months or years before they will sell. Hopefully the market regains full strength. It also shows that our economy is coming back.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Spending What we can afford

Congress passed the Pay-As-You-Go Budgeting Measure in 2007 because they were worried about the rising Budget deficit. The Pay-As-Ypu-Go Budgeting Measure will help decrease the defficite because what they spend they can afford. The measure says that if they are starting a deficit that they need to either drop programs to get more money or not spend the money on thoughs things that are putting them under. The rule "payGo" requires tax cuts or and increase in entitlement spending. It is pretty much the amount of meney that we have for any one person in medicare, welfare, etc.

I agree with this pay-as-you-go budgeting measure because the us is going way to far into debt. With this plan it will help us stay at the same debt or reduce it a little bit. When i am old if the debt keeps going like it is it will be impossible to do anything and our economy will be so messed up that there will be no recovery. Now is when something has to be done. The us senate agrees with me on this measure.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Huricane Karl grows to cat 3

Huricane Karl grew to a category 3 friday morning with wind speeds in the upper of the 120mph range. 1,000 people evacuated to the verde electrical plant mexicos only neuclear genorator. waves were as high as 16 feet in 22 comunities flooding costal roads and towns. There were 14 production wells closed down and evacuated. Mexico is the worls number 3 suplier of crude oil.
Huricanes are allways bad. This one is slowing down the production of gasoline and gas prices will probably rise soon. Huricanes are dangerous but with the technology we have these days it makes it easier to forcast and predict huricans impact force and direction. When they hit everyone is evacuated so it makes for alot less casualties. The towns usually get devistated and with a cat 3 it will probably do some pretty bad damage. Lets hope that everyone makes it out and that the towns dont get to destroyed.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Millitary gay ban

The federal judge Virginia Phillips decided the millitarys "don't ask don't tell" program on gays and lesbians was unconstintustional. This broke gay's and lesbian's first admentment right and it needs to be changed. The judge is going to make the change happen soon. Right now the millitary can not ask sexuality but if you are found to be gay you will be discharged. But once the judge puts this into effect they cannot be discharged for being gay.
This is a really weird subkect i think. In a way what they were doing perviously was the right thing. But yet it was completly wrong. People should have their own rights if the want to fool around with another person so be it. But then again god made us to be with the opposite sex.
The way they had the army set up i think was really good. instead of changing the "don't ask don't tell" to openly being able to be gay i think it should stay "don't ask don't tell" but if someone finds out not have to discharge them. This would make it so we wouldnt need to know if they were gay but they would still be able to be in the army. This would be a win win.


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Thursday, January 7, 2010

Snow Is To Bring Colder Weather To The South

Two thirds of the country right now are breaking their coldest tempeture records. Snowfall of 4 to 8 inches of snow from the northern plans and as far south as kentucky and tennesse. The cold front is to blame for eight deaths so far. In the south it is a mix of snow, rain, and ice making conditions extremly dangerous. There is going to be a second wave of colder after it warms up and will make things even worse.

I love the cold and i dont see how this could be a bad thing. The only thing i can think about is more ice so i can drive on the lake and more snow to go snowmobileing. Some people are to big of whimps and just need to learn to like it. And people need to learn how to drive in the cold and snow.