Thursday, December 10, 2009

Cold sets in

Almost the entire us was 20-30 degrees below normal. It was below freezing point from Texas to Tennessee and from Minnesota to Illinois. Detroit, Michigan 16, Minneapolis MN -5, Chicago 1, and 14 in Portland Oregon. In the south it was in the thirties and forties and still dropping. Tens of thousands of people were left in the dark in Michigan from the high winds blowing over telephone poles. The great lakes region is supposed to be having snow showers.
Its just starting to feel like winter. I hate being in weather that is warm. I love this super cold and tons of snow. It helps the ice grow so we can get the fish houses out and catch some walleye. Not to long tell the permanents are out i already have my portable out. I hope it stays extremely cold for a few weeks so the ice grows allot and then get tons of snow.

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