Thursday, December 10, 2009

NORWAY-Blue light

A strange blue twisting light was seen above norway on wednesday morning. Some thought it was a galaxy closing others thought it was a comet heading for earth, some even thought it was santa clause visiting. But it was a failed missle fired by the russians that caused these strange lights it wasnt santa clause.
I think this would be sweet to see twisting lights in the sky. We usually look at a blue or a black sky with stars on it but never see a blew swirl in the sky. This is probably a once in a lifetime oppurtunity to get to see something like that. But on the otherhand its kinda scary thinking missles are being shot.

Cold sets in

Almost the entire us was 20-30 degrees below normal. It was below freezing point from Texas to Tennessee and from Minnesota to Illinois. Detroit, Michigan 16, Minneapolis MN -5, Chicago 1, and 14 in Portland Oregon. In the south it was in the thirties and forties and still dropping. Tens of thousands of people were left in the dark in Michigan from the high winds blowing over telephone poles. The great lakes region is supposed to be having snow showers.
Its just starting to feel like winter. I hate being in weather that is warm. I love this super cold and tons of snow. It helps the ice grow so we can get the fish houses out and catch some walleye. Not to long tell the permanents are out i already have my portable out. I hope it stays extremely cold for a few weeks so the ice grows allot and then get tons of snow.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Much of the us braced itself for more winter havoc on wednesday. There are blizzard conditions in some parts of the us and rainy/windy in other parts. Madison wisconsin has allready recived 15 inches of snow. The temps will be plummiting and with windchill could be around 25-35 degrees below zero.

This is making me really excited. Ive been waiting all year for the cold and snow to come so i could go snowmobiling or icefishing and its finally here. Ill have to buy new tires for my truck but other than that this is awsome and hopefully we get as much snow as madison.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Huricane Ida

Hurricane Ida is supposed to make landfall this morning in Nicaragua. Hurricane predictors think there might be as much as 30 inches of rainfall. There will be sustained winds of 75 mph and gusting up to 85 mph. Ida is supposed to weaken over land but if it makes its way to the Caribbean it will return to a tropical storm. It would then brush past Cancun Mexico and into the gulf of Mexico. Ida could make landfall in the US Golf Coast next week but not known were.
Hurricanes are always bad they destroy everything they come into contact with. It has been a pretty good hurricane season being no super big ones have occurred. I hope Ida isn't bad and goes through without hurting people and their homes. Storms are always a scary thought but hopefully this one isn't bad.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Jessica Simpson and Dolly Parton complainging about ample breasts

On Monday morning Dolly Parton posted on her twitter account "Aahhh chiropractor... Hurts so good :-) you lug these around and see if your back don't hurt!" and Jessica replied "Amen sister:)". Dolly knows her big boobs have made her what she is today but doesn't know if they are supporting her or if she is supporting them. Dolly is contemplating if she pays the price of having such big boobs any longer. Jessica Simpson also has double-D's and her father even praised them in an interview to GQ. "Jessica never tries to be sexy. She just is sexy. If you put her in a T-shirt or you put her in a bustier, she's sexy in both. She's got double D's! You can't cover those suckers up!" Joe Simpson said.
Both of these country singers have very big breasts. I think that Dolly Parton image is made up by her big breast. When somebody says her name the you always know who there talking about because its something you don't forget. I think that on both of these women especially Jessica get allot more attention because of their breasts.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Real Drinking Age

I found another post on Matt's blog about the real drinking age. He stated that he would like the age lowered not so he can party and drink all the time but could once in a while. I agree with this two. Once we turn 18 and can be shipped off to get killed in Iraq we should also be able to have a beer. It doesn't make sense that you can give up your life but you cant have a drink. Either they need to lower the drinking age or also raise the age to go to war.

Northwest piolts make mistake

I was reading Matt Papenfuses blog and came across this post. Apparently two pilots flew past their destination by 150 miles. There excuse was that they were working on their work schedules so intensely that they didn't notice that they passed it. I agree completely with Matt that these people should pay the price for putting the life's of 44 people at stake. They should get more than their license taken away.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Six women found dead in a mans house

On Thursday swat agents and members from the sex unit went to Anthony Sowell's house with a search warrant and an arrest warrant foe Sowell after someone accused him of rape. When they got there Sowell wasn't there but on the third floor there were two dead females, a freshly dug grave under the stairs in the basement held another. Two more women were found in a crawl space, and the six one was found outside the house in a shallow grave.
This is society is getting really strange as the years go on. People keep doing worse and worse stuff. This man should be sent to death most definitely. I cant believe someone would go around and rape people then kill them. I hope he gets the biggest consequence he can.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Missing couple yacht found in the indian ocean.

The British couple Paul and Rachel chandler's yacht was found empty after have been missing for over a week. The British ministry of defense believe that they were kidnapped by pirates. There isn't any evidence that they have been harmed. According to their blog, they left October 21 from Seychelles to Tanzania on their 38foot yacht and haven't been heard from since. The British are scared for their safety. Earlier this week two more boats were hijacked.
The pirates highjack boats all the time expecially commercial boats. Every person that goes out on the ocean should bring guns incase pirates come to board you. They go with no pertection and when the pirates come they cant do anything about it. You should allways bring as many people as you can because more strength in numbers. I think these pirates should be found and put in prison so this doesnt happen any more.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Guantanamo Bay Closing

President Barack Obama signed an executive order to have Guantanamo bay closed by January 2010. Guantanamo isn't going to be able to make this deadline many people say. The problem is were to put the detainees. They want to send them to a maximum security prison in the us. But people don't think this is a good idea to bring terrorist in to the us when the whole point was to keep them out.

I think they should keep Guantanamo open and keep the terrorist there. We don't need them in the us. Something crazy might happen like in the movies and some terrorist will get out. Guantanamo might give America a bad name but it keeps the people we are in war over out of our country.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Jobs wont produce until 2010

At the state of the union Barack Obama said "revising job losses will come at the end of the period, not the start." He hopes that by 2010 jobs will start turning around. Right now it takes 150,000 new jobs a month to deal with the growing population. If we could get 50,000 more a month we could slowly bring that 700,000 job losses at the beginning of the year down.

Its sad that 700,000 people lost their jobs this year. If Barack could start to bring the jobs up with his reform on health care and just keep trying to boost the economy. Obama is considering making health care for illegal immigrants. This isn't right, that's taking money away that could be going toward hard working Americans. I don't see why they are worried about the immigrants when us citizens could be using that help from the government. Once people start to get jobs i think allot of things are going to be better. People wont have to be losing their houses, cars, everything they have worked for their whole life. Hopefully Barack is right about 2010 bringing more jobs because that's just what we need.

CIA Interogation

Seven former CIA Directors sent a letter to Barack Obama asking him to quite pursuing the harsh interrogations used after 9/11/01. The bush administration only took one of the cases to court and tried it. Barack Obama now wants to reopen the cases and bring them back to trial. The CIA spokesmen Paul Gimigliano says that they are still cooperating with their review and they would like the reopened cases to be dropped.

This has been going on for a long time. The cases of harsh interrogation happened in 2001 and only one case was tried and that was in 2007. They dropped the cases after that and now they want to reopen them. I think they should reopen them because one man was sent to prison for eight years after he beat an afghan man that later died. There are more cases of people being beaten and then dieing but this is the only one that was tried. Its really not fair to the guy in prison that hes the only one that gets in trouble out of all the brutal interrogations. The CIA's excuse for the cases to be dropped is they are dealing with their review. That shouldn't matter and these cases should be tried to the full just like the one mans was. Its wrong that they take Afghan prisoners and beat them until they die.

Friday, September 11, 2009