Monday, October 25, 2010

13 Drug Rehab Patients Gunned Down....

Tijuana Mexico's drug rehab center was attacked last monday. a CLIENT SAYS TAHT A GANG CAME INTO THE FACILITY AND GUNNED DOWN 13 recovering addicts. The wittness goes by the name jesus and said he was watching a movie and went to get something to eat and the attack happerned.
These kinds of attacks should not be occuring. Expecially to people who are trying to recover from a drug addiction. They want to get out of a bad lifestyle and instead they get killed for wanting to get out. They should be put under tighter security and should have their saftey number 1 concern.

Home Sales Jump Ten Percent!!!!!

In washington sales of pre occupied homes jumped by ten percent in one month witch is the highest jump in one month in the last twenty eight years. This is a good sign that the market is stabilizing and housing prices are going to go back up. In august the sales pace was on a 4.2 milion unit pace and now it is on a 4.53 million pace.
This is really good news that the housing market is finaly coming out of its slum. The market has been down for so long now that no one knows now what their property is actually worth. This will be good for the people that are trying to sell their homes because lately they have benn having to sit on them for months or years before they will sell. Hopefully the market regains full strength. It also shows that our economy is coming back.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Spending What we can afford

Congress passed the Pay-As-You-Go Budgeting Measure in 2007 because they were worried about the rising Budget deficit. The Pay-As-Ypu-Go Budgeting Measure will help decrease the defficite because what they spend they can afford. The measure says that if they are starting a deficit that they need to either drop programs to get more money or not spend the money on thoughs things that are putting them under. The rule "payGo" requires tax cuts or and increase in entitlement spending. It is pretty much the amount of meney that we have for any one person in medicare, welfare, etc.

I agree with this pay-as-you-go budgeting measure because the us is going way to far into debt. With this plan it will help us stay at the same debt or reduce it a little bit. When i am old if the debt keeps going like it is it will be impossible to do anything and our economy will be so messed up that there will be no recovery. Now is when something has to be done. The us senate agrees with me on this measure.